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    "Fire"genre: Christian Rock
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    This song cries purify me oh God!
    CD: FIRE   Label: Allasso Music & Entertainment
    Credits: Written & Recorded: Jamey Tiffee

    Story Behind the Song
    This songs speaks of the passion that is locked up inside me and how it was not always like this and that I have lived the life of a sinner and I'd rather die than live on such a lifeless level again.

    Written by: Jamey Tiffee
    * Adaptation “Holy Fire” a poem by: Brad Pettigrew
    You are the one I adore you are the Lord evermore
    *Beginning and end, inaugurated conclusion
    *Reproving darkness by exposing the illusion
    *Reveal intent of passionate desires
    *Oh Lord I love you; you’re my all consuming fire
    You are the Lord Most High; you are the fire in my eyes
    *Seethe tested truth defacing hollow pretenses
    *holy conviction enveloping hells provenience
    Shut up in my bones where He works alone
    Turn up the fire I am purified
    Chorus 1
    I can feel you, as you burn through the parts of my life
    Going through passions and those things that taunt me
    I can feel you, burn away the parts of me not you
    Until there’s you in me and I have ceased to be
    You are the Holy One, you are the only one
    *Intense exposure through scaring flames, in the heart of men
    *Removing dross by entombing shame
    *Sanctification unlocks holiness
    From the flames I am born of your name
    (repeat chorus 1)
    I can feel you; burn away the shakels of my life
    From captivity to one who is set free
    I can feel you, and that’s where I want to be, you and me
    Where I want to be
    There is no place I’d rather be than here at your feet
    I lived a life full of lust and of decadence
    But never felt alive till I stood in your presence
    I watched people I knew and called my friend
    Chase dreams and things that burn in sin
    With tears they wail from the jail
    And live their own private hell
    One way or another we all burn
    I’m going to burn in your presence the smell of my flesh as incense
    Goes up before thee that’s where I want to be is you burning in me

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