Story Behind the Song
When Me, Sean & James were in the Ugly Town Hero's we we're just about to have a jam session of a lifetime when Vinnie, our drummer, decided to cut out. So we eventually track him down and he gives us a cake (at his house on the way back) to make amens for pissing us off... After this insident we dispanded the UTH. So on our way home, we destroy the cake in the street infront of his house! There is the songs history!
It's a Good Cake! (cake!) [x8]
Vinnie's Mom,
Gave us the cake, (cake)
Cause Vinnie,
Didn't Want to eat the cake, (cake)
Gave us a cake, (cake)
To make up,
For fuckin' us over,
Think it was suppose to be,
A DeerDance for these sins,
That he has invoked,
I... can't...
Believe the nerve of that ass!
Vinnie gave us a Cake!
It's a Good Cake! (cake!) [x3]
It's a Good Cake!
(fuckin' eh)