Story Behind the Song
This song was inspired by Geore Orwell's 1984, and was written for a tenth grade english assignment. The song was originally recorded on a 20 year old video camera, and was later digitized so the audio track could be removed and encoded to .mp3 format. The sound quality isn't the best, but it's pretty damn good considering it was done on a video camera with one microphone to pick up all of the instruments. We took an entire day to record this song due to technical difficulties, the bitter cold (we filmed in a barn in the dead of winter) and the fact that we all barely knew our instruments and kept messing the song up.
Verse 1:
They enslave their society, they control reality,
death for defiance is a daily occurrence,
all of these people are unaware,
that Big Brother doesn’t really care,
they’re given false hope and false beliefs,
knowledge is given only to the elite,
they re-write the past from day to day,
your thoughts and actions are controlled by the wealthy...
War is peace,
Slavery is freedom,
War is peace
Ignorance is strength...
Verse 2:
They live in a state of doublethink,
in an endless debate of their reality,
they’re too afraid to speak their mind,
because the Thought Police will get them in time,
they all believe the lies that they’re told,
the Party re-writes everything that is old,
history is no longer something that took place,
history is what the Party wants to make...
For anything you do against the Party they will take you,
they'll take apart your soul until you're hollow inside,
you'll be a person with no integrity, no values,
just another "yes-man" in Big Brother's eyes,
then one day when you're walking down the street,
when you least expect it, the shot will be fired from behind,
the bullet will hit you in the back of the head,
it's always from behind, it's been that way since the beginning of time...
If you try, you will die, you'd be better off learning the principles of,