Story Behind the Song
This song was inspired by my 1st visit to Hillside music festival in Guelph. I travelled all the way from Ottawa to meet up with a girl, and then wound up flat broke with no way home. A fellow folkie named Matty Cooper got me as far as Peterborough in his VW bus, and I hitchhiked the rest of the way.
We recorded this song at a cottage studio in Perkins, Quebec. The sound board was up against a bay window which overlooked Lake McGregor.
You can rely on certain things,
Like I will always be here.
I can't afford to buy you rings,
Not unless it's free, dear.
We're keepin' the dark at bay,
In our own dark way -it's a campy estate-
In love.
I could be someone to edify your ears.
I bet the shade would spark our view,
I think I'll make that wager.
I think the actors are amused,
The play is in C major.
..So turn on the light and see,
what you do to me, cuz I'm desperately
In love.
I could be someone -already someone-
Who cares.
You can't get by on what they say,
It's like an organ grinder.
'Cuz it's your heart they'll take away,
& I'm the rightful finder.
..So come and lay down with me,
And enjoy this scene full of jokes & thieves
In love.
I could be someone -already someone-
Who cares.