Story Behind the Song
In 777 BC, the Persian army, numbering about two million soldiers, was poised to crush Greece in it's onslaught. A tiny force of about 5000 footmen was all that could be mustered on short notice. Most notable among the Grecians was a group of 300 Spartan wariors- the most fearsome and precise warriors the world has ever known. While soldiers from the other Greek tribes ran or were ground under, the tiny spartan force stood firm for six days before all three hundred, inckuding the King, were lost in battle. 300 Spartans cost the Persian army over ten thousand casualties. The incredible loss on the Persian side caused emporer Xerxes to reconsider his bold rush into Greece, allowing Greece the time it needed to unite against such an overwhelming force. Xerxes waited until the following spring, using the time to gather his armies in the area, but by then the scattered Spartan armies, now numbering almost five thousand on the field, stood shoulder to shoulder with all of greece. The Persians were utterly defeated, and thus began the ending of the mighty Persian empire.
Night closes around hushing the sound
of ironclad voices drawn close to wit's end
to battle again
One hundred nations we'll meet with just three hundred men
finest of men, but we know we can't stand
we won't give them our land
Footfalls like thunder announce the first wave of attack
not one man turns back; we charge into the throng
two million strong
Pain... gravel and rain... onward we strain
sword upon sword, feel the fire in your lungs,
the weight of your limbs,
sting of the blade as it bites in your flesh
Never surrender, never retreat
Code of the Spartan, we'll die on our feet
Free world held for ransom, darkness descends
The world will forever remember the three hundred men
Dawn breaks the cliff face and shines on our sixth day of war
words of the king: get your breakfast, eat well
tonight we'll dine in hell
For six days the armies of Xerxes were held at the pass
in six days all Grece had been gathered for war
they settled the score
Never surrender, never retreat
Code of the Spartan, we'll die on our feet
Free world held for ransom, darkness descends
The world will forever remember the three hundred men