Story Behind the Song
Very interesting story- We just thought it would be funny to right a song about janitorial education.
If your trveling down interstate 75,
There's a town called Milledgeville,
Please don't pass it by.
You'll get off the exit,
then you'll take a right,
well, you can't miss it,
it's the only stop light.
The campus won't impress you,
the faculty aren't great,
but one thing's for sure
the bathrooms, they're the cleanest
in the state.
Chorus- If you see us pushing our mopbuckets down the hall, don't look down on us, cause you got your fancy office and all. Just remember all the time we spent achieving our $6.50.
There's only one place where real Jan. Ed. starts. It's the Milledgeville college of Inustrial Cleaning Arts.