Story Behind the Song
My teacher, Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal was asked the meaning of "Gate, gate, paragate, parasmagate bodhi soha," and responded with "open, open, completely open, beyond all closing down." A friend told me of this and I was inspired to rewrite the Heart Sutra in 3/4 time and put it to music. I wasn't sure this was proper, and so before releasing it I checked with Khenpo Tsewang and made sure it was OK. He said, "It shouldn't be considered a substitute for the Heart Sutra, but it's OK to share with people."
Inconceivable, inexpressible Great Openness
Unborn, unceasing, by nature like the sky
Experienced by self-reflexive awareness’ discerning, pristine cognition
Mother of the victorious ones of the three times
I pay homage to you
Bhagavati Prajnaparamita Hrirdaya
Chomden Dewa Sherab Chipa Roltu Chinpa Nyingpo
Homage to the Great Openness, Mother of us all
Once I came to a mountain top
With you, our Lord, and the rest
and while we sat so still with him
in bliss on that high crest
he opened
he opened
so completely opened
so far beyond closing down
he opened
he opened
so far beyond open
he could never close down again
and I could see
that you could see
just what it was he saw
and I begged you
to tell me true
how I could see it too
you told me "form is emptiness
and emptiness is form
they are not different in any way
their union is the norm
feeling, too is emptiness
and empty is perception
all mentality is empty, too
and empty is consciousness
no thing is born
and no thing dies
no purity, no impurity
no thing shrinks
and no thing grows
and yet, things seem to be
there are no forms in emptiness,
no feelings, perceptions, or thoughts
no consciousness, no eye, no ear
no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind
no appearance, no sound, no smell
no taste, no touch,
no laws of form
no ignorance, no end of it
no death, no end of death
there is no pain, and yet
there's pain, without beginning, without end
there is no way away from pain
nor wisdom to impart
there's not a thing that we can do
and yet, we've done it all
since there is nothing to be done
be open to your life
do not fear what comes to you
be it bliss or be it strife
and that is what our Master's done
that's made him Lord of all
he's given us a simple prayer
to open up our hearts
it's always been true
it's true right now
it'll be true forever more:
’May I be open so open
so completely open
may I never close down again
May I be open
so open
so far beyond open
May I never close down again’"
and then our Lord arose from bliss
and smiled at one and all
"good, good," he said, "for thus it is
exactly as you spoke
be open to all that is
and the whole world will rejoice"
and when he smiled and spoke to us
it made our hearts so glad
inspired us all to open wide
and give the best we had
May I be
so open
so completely open
May I never close down again
May I be open
so open
so far beyond open
may I never close down again
(repeat chorus 7x)