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    "Takeover"genre: Spiritual Rap
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    This track is FIRE!!!! If you like energy, you're gonna love TAKEOVER! Digest the lyrics in this and let the Truth give you heart burn for God.
    CD: Check His Wings out on Vision's Maxi Single   Label: Bridled Tongue Entertainment

    Story Behind the Song
    This song was designed to be a demonstration of the power of The Gospel to impart the the lives of the saved and the unsaved....For the saved to strengthen their spirits with might and desire to get out there and help somebody. If you're timid or don't know how to approach the lost, Pray to be led by the Spirit of Christ with wisdom and boldness read your Word, memorize these lyrics and go for it. To the unsaved...You're in the way. Don't you think it's time for Jesus to TAKEOVER? This song was a mini compilation of a few things that Jesus has blessed me to learn or experience. We overvame by the Word and the power of our testimony

    Man what's stopping you from coming to God
    You know you need to
    If you jacked up your life
    Come to Christ and get a redo
    God will never forsake you or leave you
    Or would you rather keep trusting Brother Snake
    And Sister Weasle
    Are you afraid that they won't receive you
    Look how they treat you
    They never come around unless they need you
    Or do you have a sweet tooth for what the world wants to feed you
    But never found peace to relieve you
    Let's take a review
    You tried money and power and sex but you're still vexed
    Temporary fixes don't please you
    What smoking trees do
    Compared to He who breathed on dirt to conceive you
    God sees you man and all your needs
    He want to lead you to the land of the free like the eagles
    If you have issues, He has answers
    He want to teach you
    To break sin by the brickloads like Jujitsu

    CHORUS x 2:
    The Saints is taking over (TAKE OVER)
    The Saints is taking over (TAKEOVER)
    We take you to Jehovah (TAKEOVER)
    And let Him shape and mold you (TAKEOVER)
    The Saints is taking over (TAKEOVER)
    The Saints is taking over (TAKEOVER)
    We're about to shake this land (TAKEOVER)
    We're about to change the culture (TAKEOVER)
    The Lord rose to break man-made religion
    Break man from tradition
    Break ties of lies and superstition
    He'll cut the noose off of the necks of all those with suicidal wishes
    And turn their motivation on like ignitions
    He'll cure the sickness and low self-esteem that vex you
    And Christ will help you to cope with the pressure that stress you
    And social and emotional issues
    So you don't have to compromise your personal views
    Just to please fake friends that misuse and diss you
    If you're not walking in hers or his shoes
    No matter what the Lord will always be with you
    He'll wipe the rejected and broken hearted tears like tissue
    Even if you're a loner and you think that the world is against you
    But it's not true
    It's just you verses the thoughts that you wrestle
    The Lord can give you rest too
    Just call on Jesus' Name and He'll be there to the rescue
    CHORUS x 2:
    The Saints is taking over (TAKE OVER)
    The Saints is taking over (TAKEOVER)
    We take you to Jehovah (TAKEOVER)
    And let Him shape and mold you (TAKEOVER)
    The Saints is taking over (TAKEOVER)
    The Saints is taking over (TAKEOVER)
    We're about to shake this land (TAKEOVER)
    We're about to change the culture (TAKEOVER)
    VERSE:Lord use me to take the titles
    And go in the midst of gang rivals
    And soul slap them all with the Bible
    And make the massacre a Revival
    And snatch their guns and rifles
    Lay hands on them and make disciples
    We're about to take this land before the devil smite's the victims
    We'll take man and put him in his right position
    We're not waiting on the right conditions
    We're on a mission for these souls to saved from perdition
    We're about to bring the harvest out of troubled waters and ditches
    And have them kicking and bucking for Jesus at the alter like fishes
    Lord crush the resistance
    And melt the wicked like witches
    Fill us with Living Water give us power that's tremendous
    To charge like we're vicious
    and shoulder tackle men off of the wrong road with the Scriptures
    and stop the head on colision
    Deliver the backslidden
    Strengthen the carnal Christian
    Killing any confusion and bringing man to their senses

    CHORUS x 2:
    The Saints is taking over (TAKE OVER)
    The Saints is taking over (TAKEOVER)
    We take you to Jehovah (TAKEOVER)
    And let Him shape and mold you (TAKEOVER)
    The Saints is taking over (TAKEOVER)
    The Saints is taking over (TAKEOVER)
    We're about to shake this land (TAKEOVER)
    We're about to change the culture (TAKEOVER)

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