Story Behind the Song
This song was written at my WSU apartment, up in Boulder Creek. I wrote this song because one day, while I was walking home from class up at WSU, I saw some people gathered, protesting the war with Iraq. With my brother in law over there in Iraq, I got to thinking about it and what's it all about. It took me a week to make the song with the guitars and loops and dubbing of my voice.
Man, what's it all about? I'm trying to figure it out. All this he said that she said, just shut your mouth! I'm here to set it straight it aint about Kuwait, or the oil, or the money. It's about the hate.
Verse 1:
It hasn't been the same since 9-11. It's a new world, a new day, but its far from heaven. Our eyes have been opened. We've been given a chance. To up root the evil, and grow some peace plants. In the Middle East, the people are living without hope. And we're supposed to turn our eyes and tell them just to cope, with the torture, the killings, the lack of the care. Comming from a free man, now that isn't fair.
Cause life was intened for a freewill for man. And to help your falling brother when he's trying to stand. We will destory the evil thats been in power too long. And if you say its not our place I'm sorry, You're wrong!
We need to put and end to this once and for all (once and for all) Even if it means that American lives will fall (they will fall) Put your faith in God, trust him and you'll be blessed (you'll be blessed). Only then, in the end, the'll be justice and righteousness.
Verse 2:
People are protesting. People are contesting. Anything to do just to keep it interesting. They hate the government, they wont give up a cent, when they get their chance to do their dance, the'll happily pitch a tent.
They don't know what it means to be a good American. Instead they sit at home and slam on everything they can. All this bashing on Bush, all the trashing the truth. Destorted vison in their head that slowly turns their brain to mush. They think the've got a clue. They think they've got a grip of all the problems of the world and how to solve it.
Well I got news for them. This war we're gonna win. Security and freedom is what we will defend. The Iraqi people will not fight in vain. Cause coalition forces will take out Hussein. The only thing I've got to say, to Saddam anyway, get the hell up out our way cause tomorrow's independance day!