Story Behind the Song
This is a song that talks about who I am, what I think about what is going on in our world, and who I'm going to do about it!!!
Jack from trading post is near,
thought around is he's a queer,
I don't care if he's here or there,
it's his own life let him live as I dare.
DO your own thing do your hearts desire,
Don't let anyone call you a liar,
Be sure your soul is full of fire,
Don't let them catch you wearing a wire.
I know who I am, where I'm going I don't give a damn, what you're doing.
i know who I am and who I'm doing I'm going to let life keep on flowing
It isn't only your life's story,
It's all of ours how come you've got the glory,I'll tell it my way, you tell it yours,I want to forget all these stupid wars. Tell these leaders to GET A CLUE, aren't they supposed to repressent me and you, I'm so tired of all these hassles, let the pretty lady take off her tassles.
My innocent bicentenial Queen, tries to turn my pure heart mean. Anarchy may be a little extreme, I love my country but I hate this regime. Do not say that you hate me, that's not politically correct you see, You should say you disagree, but screw them all we're supposed to be free!!!
I know. . .
Sadness sweeps over my body, I want to go down to the party. If you want that 4 leaf clover, stab my heart for life is over. Did you not think that I would see, the sign on the door saying beat it. We can't understand the plight of those that some of us just don't like.
I know who I am, where I'm going I don't give a damn, what you're doing.
i know who I am and who I'm doing Why don't you pour me some of that stuff you're brewing, HMMMM!!!