In the milk of the morning into the traffics panicked pace, thru the lens of the windshield a blank stare face, enough caffeine running thru your veins to blow up a bridge, an endless stream of red tail lights disappearing over the ridge.
Almost here almost there, halfway home halfway to nowhere.
Mind is drifting as body stutters than syncs to automation, eye to eye with the idiot brow of civilization, the objects in your memory like reflections in a side view mirror, but agonizing the moments doesn’t make the future any clearer.
Almost here almost there, halfway home halfway to nowhere.
Lie awake and the whole world lies awake with you sleep and the world sleeps, private wealth at the expense of public health he owes what he reaps, now the rain and the road at dusk are fused into this kind of aching blue beauty, and the driver studies the weather’s blur of destiny and duty.
Almost here almost there, halfway home halfway to nowhere.