Brought forth from the emptiness of an unremembered dream, a vacant lot, the worldly rot, in silent movie run the broken components of their scream.
Nubile wastelands drain the wonder from their sex and feed, the sated soul, unconscious hole, the fingers of mathematical interpretation the logic of their greed.
Goaded like a river by the rain the fix of the white noise flood, a frameless howl, perfection’s foul, clocked worlds that nurse the milk of this godless blood.
John Doe’s children have the eyes of their mother, John Doe’s children cannot touch one another, John Doe’s children fill the blanks of time, John Doe’s children are the victims and the crime.
The sum total of the burden is the casual tragedy of truths default, an empty way, a dateless day, the moment’s turn on the forfeit of heaven’s vault.
Dry heat of grounded angels dissipates to supernal static rain, a nuptial death, unconscious breath, the bootleg of the anatomy of innocuous pain.
Petty filled minds work great the abstract code of convention, constructed sight, instructed blight, delicate wind served delirium of the soft dimension.
John Doe’s children have the eyes of their mother, John Doe’s children cannot touch one another, John Doe’s children fill the blanks of time, John Doe’s children are the victims and the crime.
The tension of this flight teaches the traffic it’s critical crawl, the burden spite, declension right, the negligible slope and circuit of the orbit of this all.
It’s in the way the flesh is held lightly to these ponderous bones, religious thief, omnivorous grief, all monuments crumble under the weight of Sisyphean stones.
Evangelistic eyes that look to the stars and only see the sky, a virgin’s lust, a rainbow’s rust, dissolved into exhaust of the meaningless mechanics of why.
John Doe’s children have the eyes of their mother, John Doe’s children cannot touch one another, John Doe’s children fill the blanks of time, John Doe’s children are the victims and the crime.