Story Behind the Song
This song originated months before it was finished. I was just trying different rythms and chord progressions and came up with the basic musical idea, which I recorded so I would remember. One night after "finishing" another song, I remembered and listened to it. While listening to the basic music, the lyrical concept emerged, followed by lyrics that were complete in 30 - 45 minutes. Recording the song was stretched over a period of weeks as I had to sharpen my keyboard skills to meet the needs of the song. Originally, I had titled this "The Problem" and is still in my computer with that name. But though the song talks about some problems, the focus is in coming up with a solution/answer.
The Answer
© 2003 by Bill McClarty – All rights reserved.
While I sit here thinking, about the answer that I’m trying to find.
I find my thoughts are wandering, clouds of cotton drifting through my mind.
It’s not as though I’m not trying, to find a reason to go on.
for now the reason seems to be hidden, like daylight hides just before dawn.
I know the reason’s there. But sometimes it’s hard to even care.
Everything right now seems so strange, I hope if I wait everything will change.
But this is now, and that’s later, and right now, It’s just impossible to see,
How to bridge the growing chasm, that separates you and me.
The answer doesn’t come nearer, as time just keeps slipping away.
Something always comes between us, like separating night from day
I know it’s not just me. And the answer doesn’t come for free.
If it’s impossible to change your mind, you might l find it’s just like being blind..
Every question has an answer, but it may be hard to find.
And you’ll probably never find it, without an open mind.
Don’t be your own worst problem, don’t cause your own delay delay,
You’ll find that you’re the only one, standing in your way..
Try being your own worst critic, don’t give yourself an easy way.
You’ll learn more from the lesson, If there’s a price you had to pay.
It isn’t going to be easy, but that’s the way it should be.
I know it’s hard to think for yourself, and at the same time keep your sanity.
You won’t see what you don’t look for. You’ll never find what you don’t seek out.
If you don’t live your life for yourself, you’ll never know, what life is all about.
Try to see things a different way. Take a new path, starting today.
It’s time for you to arrange, To finally make that vital change.