I am the prayer that passes for the god, but she doesn’t even know I exist, lost in a sequence of shadows milk, the gravity of the mirror is hard to resist, I saw her one morning shampooing her suicide, her thoughts screaming; sick of this, we’re so much alike except I’m already dead, she just needs the life of a kiss.
I want to touch her because I can feel her, pull me out of this sinking pain, I want to blind her because I can reveal her, pull her mind into my brain.
The doctor of her eyes heals the panic of her flesh, I am just a dark corner in her house, she applies the lipstick language, and buttons up the tongue of her blouse.
But she won’t talk to me, she wont die for me.
She needs no witness fully clothed, her seeing eyes once turned from the mirrors theft, face a world that sees the mirrors work, and whatever the makeup of meaning has left.
I want to touch her because I can feel her, pull me out of this sinking pain, I want to blind her because I can reveal her, pull her mind into my brain.
I am just an after thought she tried to un think; like wine, and the water of her bathtub drain fertilizes the waste, she spends her life at the mirror waiting for a sign, and I wait on the other side for her to see thru her face.