Story Behind the Song
Breathless was written from a combination of emotions. Ups and downs in life sometimes can drive a person to a certain point where they feel as if they don't understand what life is trying to show them and make them feel like they are on an emotinal roller coaster. They may feel lost in a world where they almost feel lifeless or in a sense, "braindead" to the world. This is a very common emotion for people in society. What Breathless does is try to pull the listener in and make them feel from the music what so many people feel like day to day.
No more tears to cry,
Nothing on my mind,
I'm just a flat-line,
On a screen
Try to find what is said,
My soul can't contend,
Something bleeds through my head,
Something breaths the end
Try to find what to say,
My eyes can't contend,
Something steals me away,
Something breaths the end
Braindead, Braindead,
Braindead, Braindead
I've cried all I have to cry,
Seen enough to make me bleed,
I'm just a flat-line on a screen,
I'm just a flat-line on a screen
Nothing going on in my head,
Things that I'm doing I've already did
I'm braindead....dead...dead
I'm braindead....dead...dead
I cannot see,
I cannot see the light,
I cannot see,
I cannot see the light through