Cell phones and bepers must be turned off before entering any classroom. If you wish to keep them on they must be on vibrate mode. If your cell phone or beeper rings, you will be asked to leave the classroom and you may be excluded from future lectures.
thank you.
Uh good morning.
The rest of the bad news, I'd already tendered it to you son.
Point made. ok.
Point made. ok.
Review now New Yorkers.
Isn't it true you committed sodomy with a parrot?
I'm gunna sue your a** for not delivering the Cadilac.
New Yorkers, did you know that?
We ok? What's the point of that hypothetical other than yet another cheap shot at Conviser?
This doesn't happen often.
Another example. Victor the victem comes up to the police officer and Victor the victem says to the police officer "Spano mugged me. Arrest him." So the police officer arrests Spano, takes him to jail.
I take Nina to the next booth and there are pink octopus, pink octopi. Nina says "Mommy I have to have a pink octopus." I say "Nina, the pink octopus is Calimari."
Ok, I am Charles Whitebread, from the University of Southern California, and we're gonna talk about criminal procedure today.
How hot?
Aw, real hot!
How hot?
Aw, real hot!
How hot?
Aw, real hot!
Oh Professor Whitebread, what do you mean?
Real hot!
Excluded from future lectures.
I've got the powaa.
Excluded from future lectures.
Two minutes, two minutes.
It's gettin, it's gettin, it's gettin kinda heavy [repeat six times]
We did death. Excuse me I get choked up thinking about it. We did death.
You'll understand when you're my age. Anyway.
Point made. Ok.
Thank you for your time and attention. Good luck on the bar exam. Enjoyed it.
See y'all've already done that, hold applause, you've already done that.