Story Behind the Song
Inspired by the other dimensional horrors of Virgins The New Adventures.
'like ravens praying on the night,
feed on energy, feed on the might of emotion,
through layers of reality they hunt,
making holes where morality lapses,
friendship collapses,
their nature raptures in these,
worse fears made multidimensional,
not a horror conventional,
a terror that strikes internationally,
can't hide, can't run, won't be invisible,
beware if there comes an invasion of the rippers,
can you feel the pain, through the astral plane,
conquering the brain to make it insane,
travel the omniverse, look for places to retreat,
but everywhere is their killing ground,
victims are found,
their grotesqueness surrounds all,
lava flows through burning vein's,
on fear, strength it gains,
can't be physically stopped by chains,
can't hide, can't run, won't be invisible,
beware if there comes an invasion of the rippers,
there are monsters greater than imagination,
maybe as a united nation,
we can withstand and demand not to be destroyed,
rippers will attack life forms and en force,
feel no remorse,
worse fears made multidimensional,
not a horror conventional,
a terror that strikes internationally,
can't hide, can't run, won't be invisible,
beware if there comes an invasion of the rippers,'