In the light of days we spend together,
our bodies will merge in the light.
(In the light of days we spend together...)
And as I see you, you're a sight.
And for my eyes to see I don't need the light!
I am the pure fool, I am I!
It's Parsival's white steed I ride...
...and in a dream we fly!
I have no wish to ask you why.
Together, yes; you and I
can take back the night.
To bring me closer to your day,
You say the things I want you to say.
And...everything's all right!
Living, laughing, loving wisdom.
Coming color, cover friction.
The laughing kiss you bring on your way.
Laughing color, touching wisdom.
Lasting, loving, cover friction.
You bring the sunshine to my day.
They go on living their own life...
As I go walking with you, off into the night.
We kiss the stars to create days.
The laughter that lovers share,
And the ways, oh, the forbidden ways..
Laughing wonder, kissing, dreaming.
Loving thunder, Tantric meaning.
I spread the news between your legs....
We will not tell them of the kiss...
There is no duality above the abyss.
The magick has no gender here..
I know the things that you still fear,
and everything's alright!
Living, longing, laughing, leaving..
Coming colors, bodies gleaming...
The time to merge in every way!
Laughing color, touching wisdom.
Lasting, loving, cover friction.
Your body temple has the say...
The look that knowing lovers share...
You know you have the look, it makes me aware.
You light the neon spark that takes me
to your star.
You ask me to come and I know how far....
In the light of days we spend together,
our bodies will merge in the light.
(In the light of days we spend together...)
In the light of days we spend together,
our bodies will merge in the light.