Story Behind the Song
This is a song about how an enormous life consuming relationship with one person can come crashing down all around and your whole world and everything you thought you knew with it- all over a single telephone conversation
There we were, here we are.
It,s alone. The last day soon.
There we were. Here we are its like we lived for it. In the red luft baloons.
And I wont go right now, cause if its lost somehow its forever, its lost in the radio.
And if its forced aloud. We'll feel its all somehow just a riddle. The last episode.
And then all was said and was justified in the black bold print of the telephone lines, and the heir on the phone in disguise.
And the teared up loss for words, breaks the air in which we spoke our minds. In the end, its alone, its a lie.
Shelter me when your sleeping alone