Story Behind the Song
The song was written quickly, in the winter of 2001 - 2002. Like Dylan's "Hard Rain", it speaks to our children, empathizes with them for the violent world they see, and tells them of the chance for love and peace.
My child with the smiling face, searching for her star,
My child takes the road and travels wide and wanders far.
The cannons soon will tear the sky, and you will wonder why
Your blood will flow and mix with that of those you never knew,
The sun will fall hard angry red behind the barren hills,
Vengeance will be swift and then, the harvest never comes,
My child with the smiling face, remember when there still was grace,
Remind yourself the spring is near, remind yourself that love is here.
My child with the shining eyes, searching through the land,
Sees the lightning bolting from the warchief in command
Nowhere to hide from weapons made to melt the stony field,
A shot will kill, and then return to bring the shooter down,
The haunting reptile eyes that show no sorrow for the foe,
A cemetery with no worm to eat the waiting dead,
A waterfall of hissing dust, a broken leafless tree.
The springing steps of ancient youth, when everything was free.
My child with the shining eyes, remember pain is part of life,
Remind yourself it’s never gone, and lay your head upon the lawn.
O young one rise up in the morn, and seek new fortune days,
O child know that someday light will penetrate the haze,
Into the highest rocky peak the flood of tears will seep.
And to the greying sky above, the earthen air will rise,
The killers of the peaceful day at last exhaust their fear,
O young one, you will live to tell, another at the well,
Of autumn’s full sweet dying smell,
Before the burning metal hell,
Remember tripping summer days,
The fleshy deep romantic haze,
The serpent sliding through the grass,
A future better than the past,
The passion of a lion’s kiss
A thrilling hit after a miss,
The sweet pain of a weary back,
Ten thousand miles on the track,
The winter’s bite and April’s bloom,
Your face before the mother’s womb,
I hope they all remember soon.