Story Behind the Song
The song melody and lyrics was orignally thought up by Marty, the bass player, who one night driving in her car. She brought it to Teresa, the guitar player, who rocked it up and added the other nice little suprises to the song. It is one of the few songs that Teresa does sing, but it is a great tune.
I'm driving, on a Tuesday night I'm wondering what you're up to this time,
Why won't you answer any of my calls?
And I imagine, what excuse this time you'll use to make me change my mind,
Don't you feel guilty at all?
Don't try to fake it,
Don't even say you care,
You're words can't cover up your lies.
I know, it's hard on us especially when we're miles apart,
so why did we carry on so long?
Don't you know, I'm lonely too but you know damn well my heart is true
That's why I'm singing you this song...
I think you really miss me
Other times,
I think you're so sincere
But then I hear, that special tone
I know that I can carry on