Story Behind the Song
Inspired by the birth of my son, Luke - but this song isn't just about babies. It is a reminder that there are little miracles around us every day, if we just take the time to notice them.
I've Seen a Miracle
©2001 Tom Boughner
Everyday it seems the same: Life is an arbitrary game.
So, how did the world come this far, without someone to show it the way?
Deep down I know, there is only one way to explain:
I’ve seen a Miracle today: the glory of Heaven on display,
The mystery of creation right before my eyes.
How does a river find the sea? Why does my baby look like me?
I’ve got to believe I’ve seen a miracle, today.
Sunrises painted on the sky; twinkles in little children’s eyes,
Whispering softly to us, “Can’t you see, I designed it this way?”
All of creation tells us, “You can still rightfully say:”
I don’t have to hear angels singing over me. I don’t need to see parting waters to believe.
All it takes is a baby’s smile to bring me to my knees, and help me to see: