Story Behind the Song
There were few other names considered for this song: "Magenta Lightning Like Scorpions", "The Purple Temple of Tash", "Good Red Night", "Hopped up on Golden Hats", "I'll always Belive in the Green Light" Ultimatly though "Touching Pynk" seemed the best way to describe the colorful subject matter.
Freeing beauty from nothing...
Here in my dream, I feed a mesmeric fiend,
she takes me from the places I've always seen,
Tommorow she'll be gone, this bloodied body on her lawn,
My heads ringing her dirty song,
If she believed in me, I'd grow wings and we'd be free,
A land of endless water we could see.
Vampires can't see their reflection; to her I'm just an infection,
Mindless roboto in need of direction,
If I would live this illusion in reverse, maybe we'd both be free of this curse,
Unless we'd sealed our doom in an earlier verse.
Here in my din, is a mesmeric friend,
She takes me from the place I've never been,
Tomorrow she won’t be gone, no bloodied bodies on her lawn,
My heads singing her pretty song,
I believe in her dream, angels with only one wing,
Climbing stalks growing this shiny magic bean.
Ghosts who are their own reflection, beaming with a lucent complexion...(it kind of goes on from there.)
You made your choice but I had none, where are the strains that broke this cancerous treachery?