Story Behind the Song
This song was written on holiday in America. While putting together the Life Giver Musical, I felt that it needed lifting and that we needed to be reminded that Jesus enjoyed life and loved people. He also had a great sense of humour.
There was a wedding, a Jewish wedding,
And friends and family
had come from miles around.
And at this wedding,
This Jewish wedding
All kinds of food and wine
and goodies could be found.
In true tradition,Jewish Tradition
They pulled out all the stops
To celebrate in style.
The daughter looked so lovely,
What father could be miserly?
The couple were the happiest around.
He gladly gave his best for it,
Their future could depend on it;
The wedding of all weddings in the town.
There was a whisper, a little whisper
That all was not as well
as it was meant to be.
There was a problem, a little problem,
Well not so little - more a catastrophe!
There was no wine now;
The flow had stopped now.
No matter how they searched
No more wine could be found.
There's be such shame because of it,
They'd never hear the last of it
Or lift their heads when word was put about!
Poor bride and groom - to live with it.
The story would be told of it,
The wedding where the wine ran out.
There were six stone water jars
For washing when the guests came in.
Jesus told the servants
"Go and fill each jar up to the brim."
So they did as they were told
While wondering what he had in mind,
And when they sook some
to the master of the feast,
The water had turned into wine!
It couldn't happen, just couldn't happen.
Something like this
just doesn't happen every day.
Who would believe it? Who could believe it?
But who's to worry,
they just drank it anyway.
There's so much wine now, the very best now,
And they could celebrate in style
for days to come.
There was such joy because of it
They never heard the last of it.
The wedding of all weddings was just fine.
The story would be told of it.
The bride and groom, they glowed with it!
When Jesus turned the water into wine.