Story Behind the Song
Well, GOTH #1 wrote this one, we were going for a Creed/Linkin Park vibe. We've really appreciated those two bands' influences in the past and we thought we'd pay tribute to them. Caveman #1 was on the guitar, and Caveman #2, well we all know what he was doing. GOTH #1 was having a hard time with drugs and felt his life slowly spiral into darkness, he knew nothing could pull him out of the darkness except for singing the lyrics to this beautiful wonder.
This pressure overwhelmes me,
My fingers they are crossed.
My arms are extended,
All faith for me is lost.
The cocaine it flows freely,
Depression is my ghost.
As sadness slithers through me,
Alone and dead at most.
The modem in the bay is what makes your short friends gold.
The tree that stands before me,
Is full of blackened fruit.
I sank into it's root.
I crawl beneath the heavens,
Below my underworld.
My bread is now unleavened,
My history's unfurled.