Sometimes I walk alone
And search of You
When all is said and done
There’s only You
With you the wonders seem more wonderful,
The gift of life much more divine,
There’s a beauty so sublime.
With You.
Stars beyond the skies,
Speak of you,
Mystery’s disguise
Points to you.
We can’t begin to grasp the source of life,
So kneel in grateful silent awe
And feel God’s presence fall
On you.
There’s crying in the street
For You
There’s restlessness and greed
Where are You?
It’s hard to face the miseries of the world,
It’s hard to turn and look away,
But the gift of love will come to those who stay.
With You.
I walk among the trees,
I think of You,
The gentle winter breeze,
Sings of You.
Life is charged with this great mystery,
How has this all come to be?
I marvel in this moment in Eternity.