Story Behind the Song
Theme song for my best friends car club in Tustin, CA. "Prime Evil"
+ When Im on the road Im going strait ahead
- First of the line. Im always in the red
- I peg the tac, loud enough to wake the dead
- Don’t got no time for you, better heed the words I said
+ evil, Prime evil, Prime evil
- evil, Prime evil, Prime evil
- evil, Prime evil, Prime evil
- evil, Prime evil, Prime evil
+ This wicked song, always goin throw my mind
- My bodies shaking, Im racing all the time
- This burnings wrong, for me to feel I knew
- But I need to feed the beast, so on the road I go
+ evil, Prime evil, Prime evil
- evil, Prime evil, Prime evil
- evil, Prime evil, Prime evil
- evil, Prime evil, Prime evil
+ First in your rear view mirror, you’ll see me from behind
- Not matter how fast you go, I’ll never leave your site
- With every turn you make, I’ll be closer by your side
- And thats when you’ll know, its Prime evil stocking you
+ evil, Prime evil, Prime evil
- evil, Prime evil, Prime evil
- evil, Prime evil, Prime evil
- evil, Prime evil, Prime evil
+ evil, evil, evil
- evil, evil, Prime evil
- evil, evil, evil
- evil, evil, Prime evil
+ I hit, the highway, in full moon’s, nightlight.
+ If you get, in my way, you wont see sun, rise .