Story Behind the Song
This song tries to get us off the ground and focus our eyes on Christ, shaking off the burdens for a few minutes, and remembering the joy we had, can have, and do have of being born again!
I'm gambling everything on You, Lord,
Flyin' blind through stormy skies
I won't go back, I've burned the bridge
and I'm runnin' toward the prize!
I though I knew the answers, and I guess that I still do...but now I know the Answers have all boiled down to YOU!
and I…
(Chorus:) Feel I've been born again! and I'm no more of this world!
It may sound crazy but I've finally found that precious pearl!
Maybe I been tryin' too hard to cling to things I'd feel, when all the time, Your love, Lord, is the only thing that's real!
So I won't look back, the past is gone, Your blood has covered all!
I'm living in reality, just waiting for Your call! and I....(Chorus)
There You were upon the cross, with nothin' 'tween You and me, but Your sweet Holy Spirit, for all eternity!
So i'm setting sail now, Lord, and You're my shining star! I'll follow You forever, 'cause I wanna be where You are! and I... (Chorus)
Let me tell you one thing, friend, and of this one thing I'm sure: whatever clouds surround you now are bound to disappear!
Just keep your eyes on Jesus and obey His Holy Word; leave your old self behind you; you'll be free as a bird!
and you'll feel you‘ve been born again, and you‘re no more of this world; it may sound crazy but you‘ve finally found that precious pearl! And I…(Chorus)