Story Behind the Song
Whether you are good or bad, functional or out of touch, hateful or compassionate, all you really want to hear are those magic words...
(Words and music by Jen E Jones)
All the ways I wonder
Where we get to know each other
Do we really know? Do we really get any closer?
Talking, touching, sensing, feeling
Loving, hating, fearing, seeking
Do we really know? Do we really get any closer?
When all we really want to hear are those magic words
All you really want to hear are those magic words
Don’t want to blame you, I know it does take two
I know your lover stayed, couldn’t walk away
Don’t want to shame you, don’t care what people do
It’s just the actions through [which] you exercise your hate
You show your truth in your abusive motherfuckedness
When all you really want to hear are those magic words
All you really want to hear are those magic words
I love you [lemme hear you say]
I believe in you
I am proud of you [lemme hear you say]
I’m in awe of you
All we really want to hear are those magic words
All we really want to hear are those magic words…
I love you…