All these patterns surrounding me, this pulling force has complete control
I shouldn’t be here
All these things I’m not meant to see
I now think my eyes only see one realm of existence
Am I meant to see this way, inside this place I should not stay
I can not seem to get away from this.
Yet through these eyes I see a light that paralyzes me with fright
And I can't bring myself to look away.
I feel your presence here, I feel you beckon me, asking me to let go and just accept
Can I accept this yet, there's too much path ahead
I see these stones not clearly set, yet there they lay
Seeing self in a new light, all possible ways, where they lead, yet a cloudy path lies between
Ever changing yet always remaining the same, out of darkness comes one hope, one entity everything together is everything in it’s own place, separate togetherness
Everything that I’ve seen to this point
The boundaries of what’s real are not set like they used to be
Becoming one with my own consciousness to see what I must see
Never thought, never cared, never saw potential of what is out there
Or how it reflects on what’s in here
I am not afraid, and yet I am
To this place, I know I must return, must return to this place
Inside, left to ponder, to change this clay to a new form
Breaking new boundaries while balancing on the edge of what is known
I know I must return to this place