Story Behind the Song
On a personal note, it is my greatest desire that the Lord will use the music He has entrusted me with to draw people from all corners of the earth to a personal relationship with Him for all eternity.
Verse 1:
You tell me I should witness, but I am so afraid. Please help me Lord to trust in all the promises You gave. You said, “I will never leave you, I will not forsake you and even in the darkest hour, you know that I will stay with you.”
Verse 2:
Though I know You're calling to me, to set the captives free; the words I speak seem empty Lord, when darkness rules in me. Please, Lord, shine Your light upon me and cleanse me from within. I'm on my knees and asking Lord; just take away the sin in me.
I'm Your witness, to the world I see. I'm Your witness, to people just like me, You've set this captive free.
Verse 3:
The Word of God speaks boldly and tells us all to go into the world we live upon, and tell them what we know: Make disciples of all nations, baptizing in His name, and teaching them to follow Him, in everything we do in His name.