Verse 1
I dont know you, and that just occurred to me/ this relationship is bull s-h-i-t/ For the life of me I cant realize--/ what happened to the sparkle in your eyes/ It must belong to that other person/ the fake character youve been maintaining and rehearsing/ Whatever happened to the Woo! Look at this!/ I found a gold mine, living in bliss/ Now its tense like a balled up fist/ and when I see your face I get pissed/ You and I are playing a sickening tug of war/ I never know what the sunrise has in store/ We go from snuggling to at each others throats/ my angel or my enemy, you can be both/ Laughing, screaming, way off course/ I love you, hate you, back and forth/
I love you, I hate you
Verse 2
Maybe its me, no, that cant be right/ Im silent when you start all the fights/ Alright, maybe not all, but more than half/ Im the one whos out of touch? Dont make me laugh/ Whatever, you keep your attitude and Ill keep mine/ Bye, Im sure you got them standing in line--/ For that body, smile, hair, eyes--/ and undercover, disgusting Jeckyll and Hyde/ Im literally tired of being mad with you/ I wish the next more luck than I had with you/ But no matter where you go, there you are/ and history suggests you wont get far/ Im not hating, Im just telling the truth/ the facts alleviate the whole burden of proof/ Laughing, screaming, way off course/ I love you, hate you, back and forth/
Repeat Chorus
Verse 3
Aint you tired of living this contradiction?/ acting like love, all the time wishing--/ You didnt have to live this lie/ feeling like a fake human being every time you say hi/ Do you even remember why we hooked up?/ goo-goo eyes every time one of us looked up/ That was honeymoon, best behavior/ you can have the number to my cell and pager/ This weekend Im going out with you/ Im not worried about what my homegirls are gonna do/ Your whole package is what made me tick/ now, every thing about you makes me sick/ Perhaps were not happy with ourselves/ and its impossible to be that with anyone else/ This thing is way off course/ love you, hate you, back and forth/
Repeat Chorus