Story Behind the Song
It's been so long, it's hard to really remember exactly what the motivation behind this one was, other than trying to write a halfway decent song. (The jury is still out on just how much of a success at that it was.) This song was the original motivation for bringing Matt Smarty Pants into the band on trumpet, as it was our first foray into anything ska-related. Matt stayed with us and his role increased steadily until our eventual end in 2000. Thanks, Matt, for all the good times.
-Bruce Smarty Pants
I look at you, you look at me, our eyes dance for a while, I can't help but think I am the reason for your smile, that thought captivates my swimming head, your face invades my brain, the mirror shows the truth to me, I've been oh so vain... Then I trip, trip trip and I fall, fall, fall, my own pride made me lose it all... You look at me like I'm diseased and I retreat inside, as if the absence of the sight of me might be enough to hide, the very next night I'm playing a show and everything's going swell, my ego gets huge and I forget the last time I fell...