dumbfounded, they point the fingers,
to cast the blame away,
the bleak are silenced; shame,
covers what he needs to say.
an attack, act, stab in the back,
leaves the lost looking to fight.
terror, coward, fear, these thoughts,
won't justify if it's right.
left in a state a mood of wonder,
false accusations are our reply.
disputes are fueled by our ignorance,
wonder until the day we die.
these rogues, causing a ruckus in troupe,
they're scorned for these pent up tears.
this anger kindled higher,
by those whom with they spend their years.
how could a being pull through to this?
society wonders why this results.
not caused by and insane mind,
but those who make it a fault.
wonder why, that it has come to this?
these people live, in this world of ignorance.
too busy, too quick, to fight, force with fists,
wonder why, that it has come to this?
left in a state a mood of wonder,
false accusations are our reply.
disputes are fueled by our ignorance,
wonder until the day we die.