Story Behind the Song
Trick of the Head. A bit of music creeping into the politics here. The first verse refers to St Augustine, evangelist of the Anglo-Saxons at the back end of the 6th century AD. His boss, Pope Gregory, told him to leave the pagan temples intact, and to "purify" them instead with holy water and a few saintly relics. Same time, same place, different agenda altogether. Yes and another track recorded live FIRST TAKE in Watsons cafe bar here in Buxton UK
Trick Of The Head
Dont pull down the temples, change the rules of the game,
Destroy all their idols, present a new name,
In the same old location place relics instead
For this new sophistication, this trick of the head.
What was old is now new, what was red is now blue,
What was evil is good, many hearts are now few;
Wounded friends are called lazy, true love is bad blood,
Good sense is now crazy, and we re lost in the flood,
But we are our own lifeline, a century s lifetime
Of mothers and fathers and daughters and sons,
Sweet lies will not sway us, false gold will not pay us,
Together we ll shout and together, together we'll run.
What is Caesar s will seize us, will sneak up behind,
The opium supper will soap up the mind,
And the armies will march while the hit list raves out,
The MC of a game show will put the lights out.
While the old spruced-up temples fill pilgrims with wonder,
The truth which once fired us now lies six feet under,
And the song of the world is: "Lets do the show here"
Make abeysance, make money, make lies a career.
Its a trick of the head,
A trick of the head,
All the rhythm is gone,
All the rhythm is gone;
All hands to the sail,
All hands to the sail,
These tricks we can shun
If together we run.