I was born and sworn
in a stagnant place,
stuck in a rut
that was trappin a race,
a fragment of space,
were a factories waste,
has the world flyin by
a post industrial pace,
never seeing face to face
or from eye to eye,
never did embrace
the closed minds and lies,
we severed to embrace
the numbers of a line
and made it through times,
& crimes, that formed lives
better formulized
when our third eye opened.
seeing past plants
with the stacks all smokin,
hopin but chokin, provokin the token
gambling in slot machines thats all broken
spoken and focused, it like locust
swarm the hopeless, cannot choke us
quote us sense I-zaya-Essen-tial flavor
since the days of being neighbors.
till we raise to see saviors
spread the way
up and down the equator
years later, still greater
payed our dues but
not with thier wagers
cant contain us, tried to train us
inoculate our truths
but still contagous.
Chorus (Bethany Fuller)
Through this time, Through this space
Truth has erased youthful days
Are long gone and beyond
Of being strong we travel on
(Sense I.)
Every day I would wake
By the blaze of the sun rays
In a cold coal choked haze
Making my way into the maze
Of the grounds I used to hate
Where my mind was raped and taken away
And set into place with the rest of this race
The day was an educated waste
And when would ring, we would skate away
At our own steady pace
It was the only thing we had to escape the pain
To face November and the purple rain
To taste the vein of life
A chain of us to ride the strife
Until the anchor was strained
And the chain was sliced
The links diced into real life
It's a shame some of the names
Have been wiped from the light
And kept in sight for us to still fight
And keep in touch by ways of the cyph
We'll make it
(Mr. Bic)
Seperation was physical.
Mental's what's critical.
Miniscual metamorph to individuals
All sorts of paths and common grounds
Success progress and new sounds
Evolution raised in a place of pollution
With no solution
But to grow up quick
Constent conflict
Cancer causing substance
And quotes sayin that it wasn't
But I can't say it wasn't the time
Wish I could get back all of which flied
Before my eyes in the blink Sense I
Life changed by the wolf in sheep disguise
Took time in order to realize
Everyones out to get me and mine
But the problem here is we are much tighter
Risin above and beyond and gettin higher
Desire is like fire
Souls are locked by chains and live wire
No shisters or liars
Truest spoken motion for rhymers
That I uh admire
Growin up with me in Ohio
And I'm a remember
My crew from then to now
I'll remember