Story Behind the Song
I started the work on this one at the same time as I wrote my stoner-anthem "I want a bisexual girlfriend", so the drumprogramming began as early as December 2002. On the 27th of March the songwriting was finished, and so was all the complex drumparts.
Then came the recording-session with Talion, and my departure from my former flat into a new one. On May the 17th I finally recorded both guitars, it took this long because I recorded my stonerthingy first, and moving my whole studio and myself also consumed time.
The bass was recorded 19th-22nd, and all the synths were recorded in two days, the 29th-30th of May. I also recorded my vocals, constructed the ambient intro, mixed and mastered the whole thing on May the 30th!
The lyrics was written back in 1998, to a Talion song that we NEVER EVER played live, and it took us about four months to forget the whole thing. It was a strange piece of music, missed by none. A while ago I looked over some old lyrics and found this, and because of the fact that I never used it in Talion, I used it to this project instead!
5 years since I wrote these words, it's kinda frightening in a way...
All recordings made at
Field Of Valley Mountain Facility
Frustrated in a maze of confusion, trying to find a conclusion.
Fed up with promises that never showed up.
Betrayed and lonely, searching for the end.
Trapped inside the chambers of guilt, blaming the actions of the past.
Preventing the memories from tearing the soul apart, the scars splits open
Haunted by the past
The flow reborns the sanity in the broken mind.
Donīt let them bury you alive, an inner voice shouts out.
The hand of death loses its grip and the flow is no more.
The bloodstained sink fills the eyes with tears.
Looking at the cracked mirror, fears from a million faces stares back.
Thinking on all the love that was sacrified, just to discover the one in anothers life
Haunted by the past
Once so optimistic, now a suicidal wreckage.
The memories keeps the sore open wide, sicken tired of their lies.
Not seeing any future in life, the will to explore death awakes again.
This time the fright is gone and the voice is silent.
Longing for the final solution, a smile cracks as the bullet goes of,
and the spirit is free at last