Story Behind the Song
The motivation for writing this song just comes from frustration. The lyrics can sorta fit with everybody, where it's like u adore someone, yet u can't stand them sometimes. The song was written in my basement, and it took like 5 seconds to write cuz i was on fire with inspiration. It took like 2 hours to record cuz iw as so sick, and u can even totally tell that i am sick as heck and the vocals dont sound great or anything. maybe i'll re record it...
Control me and confuse me, you claim i do the same thing, but you know, you're the one that does it to me...
Argue and fight me, i think you do it to despite me, but all the while, i'll be waiting for you...
Don't lie to me, don't lie to me, you just can't do it, Don't lie to me, don't lie to me and put me through it...
Through anger and ignoring, i've found out you are boring, and i don't want you anymore
you're intentions are so cruel, but you shouldn't take me as a fool, 'cause i know exactly what goes on.
Don't think about, don't think about coming back, if you think about coming back then you are lacking
This whole game is over and i don't even care, you and me are over and i don't even care, this whole game is over and i don't even care, you and me are over and i don't even care
I'm done with you, i'm done with you so get over it, i'm done with you, i'm done with you so get over it, i'm done with you, i'm done with you so get over it, i'm done with you, i'm done with you so get over it...