Story Behind the Song
On September 6th, 2002, I went to a big festival called "Bereshit" (meaning Genesis) in Israel. I always thought those festivals are for people who want a rave but are afraid of acid. As I came, I consumed quite an amount of psylocybin mushrooms. Only I was about to be touched by somehting A LOT bigger than drugs. I have no more will to touch even a ciggarette, let alone any other drug, since that day.
(Words in brackets not in song)
This is my testimony :
It begins on September 6th 2002.
I was in "Festival Beresheat" (Genesis).
This was before I believed God is real.
I admit I smoked pot, but not more than usual.
(I used to smoke pot before I even got out of bed.)
I felt as if my friends are conspiring against me ... so i went for a walk ...
(I felt my life was under direct threat when asked for
a lighter, and fear when someone even called my name)
People I did not know looked at me as if they want me dead.
Everything that happened was perfectly synchronized with my thoughts.
(Whenever I told myself it's just my vivid imagination,
something physical happened to show me I am wrong.)
The world was always one step ahead of my thoughts,
so I went to hear a band play music to calm down.
(Hoping I could close my eyes and not see anything,
and that the music would block out all the things I heard.)
The moment I sat down the music stopped.
The speakers were cut off.
(with weird feedback sounds)
Wherever I went, bad things happened.
I felt the sadness and despair growing into physical pain.
(I couldn't even concentrate enough to tell the difference between
pain in my soul and physical pain in my body.)
I have never before in my life felt such pain.
I was too weak to kill myself.
(But I would have rathered be dead than go through the pain.)
I noticed I am crying.
(I was too busy with the pain to even notice that.)
"Something inside" told me I should open my mouth an promise:
"I will never use drugs again"
(I had a notion in my heart to say it, and was willing to try
anything to stop the pain.)
The music came back.
The pain was gone.
I thought my sub-conscience was teaching me a lesson.
My problem was solved!
... But then the music went down again.
The pain came back stronger and so did the tears.
The music was down for over 15 minutes,
(Pain growing)
and I was barely holding on.
- The pain is too intense *gasp* can't breathe *gasp* can't think -
(I felt that my lungs are being crushed)
And then,
I heard my voice saying :
"G O D,
I am sorry."
(Kind of weird considering I did not believe He exists...)
...And the music came back!
Instead of pain I felt pure pleasure.
The second I admitted I had failed life God forgave me.
(I understood I am giving up my old, easy and unfullfilling life.)
I cannot begin to describe how good it felt!
(I cannot put in words how it feels to be adopted by God!)
I used drugs for 7 years.
I grew them.
I sold them.
... And now I don't need them.
Now I am alive !
I thought drugs make music better -
that was before I saw Yeshua.
Jesus, Son of Jehova, God's Arm, El Shadai etc.