Story Behind the Song
This song was written truly just to vent the frustration we had with the government and the whole country, so easily fooled into believing every word of propaganda spit at it. It's embarrassing to hear the ignorant propaganda regurgitated by those who believe what the government tells them to think.
Burn my flag, kill my president/ why should I die, for this country/ cops beat me up/ fuck Jesus, and Uncle Sam/ Jesus hates you, I hate you/ President Bush is a fuck/ all-American means all white, blonde hair and blue eyes, you fuck/ I’ll protect the American way: oppression, racism, terrorism/ we bomb other countries, and tell them what to do/ we’re so fuckin’ smart/ kill Muslims, ‘coz they’re all evil/ Jesus loves you/ the government is run by Nazis, our laws are sin/ Hitler got Bush elected/ God Bless the United States of Slavery/ burn my flag to cinders.