Story Behind the Song
Riding up at Sun Peaks with no one else able to see the amazing view that inspires a song.
Come on I saw you fall down head hit hard against the ground
And you went down with an unmarked frown
But still you see me smile cause you know I'm next, money in the bank and you just cashed your check.
I'm gonna put it strait here I come now.
And if I don't fall I'm gonna show you how
How I stand tall, taller than you all
come on I saw you fall.
Hey, can you believe, that this guy sitting beside me thinks he's better than me
Well I got news for him this week, I'm pulling out that method that I got strait.
Of all days today I must tall, I am so small I gotta soar high above them all ... especially all those kids with the weak ass stalls.
But I'll be honest with you nervousness has started to set in, the worst thing about it is I let it begin, diggin inside my head.
And now all I can think of, is how I don't wanna, I don't wanna fall.
Staring eyes piercing my skin, making it hard to concentrate. But wait, if I let it, that will stop it, and this ordeal will be over.
So now that you fell and your moneys in the bank, you feel so cold like you fell on a shank. If you could see me from where you lay, you know if I land this I'll be geting paid. So hey what can I say it's like yesterday. Bringing it home to see what I'll be. You'll never expect me so don't try to see right through me.
The view up here is awesome.
Too bad you all couldn't come.
T-shirt and gloves is all we need here today.
Stuck in your classes
Working off your asses
All for the chance to ride the gills and chop up the fresh trails.