Story Behind the Song
This one of those songs tha just came to me fast. I was just in one of those times of searching in my life.
A lot of this is from my heart.
When I write with the emotions that I am experiencing at the time,that is a way of relief and usually it ends up being a better song.
It aint alway easy to understand,
the desicions you have to face,
when becoming a man.
My parent have a plan for me,
I have a dream.
And it seems like eye to eye is something weve never seen.
I feel like runin away
To some place out west,
but I know that to become a man,
You have to pass the test.
*Well can a man love,or should he have a heart of stone?
Does he gotta be tough, or can he let his feelings show?
They say the only thing that stings his eyes
is sweat from his brow.
Rains the only thing that wets his cheeks,
whats a teardrop anyhow/
Well if theres anyone out there,
who knows what a man should be,
wont you please, please tell me.
Well I'm not saying I dont love my folks,
they mean a lot to me.
I'm just saying that a kid,
Has gotta chace his dreams.
I know it's always hard for the mamma bird
to let her chick leave the nest.
But I'll leave you with this one promise
I'll fly higher than all the rest. *