Story Behind the Song
i guess this song started my senior year of high school. me and my friend jory were messing around druing study hall passing a paper back and forth. we would write a couple of lines and then pass it back. about a year later i found that paper. i liked the ideas so i re-wrote them and came up with the guitar part. later when i was recording the my second cd with chris this song posed some problems. we did the guitar first and decided it needed drums months later. so not wanting to get rid of the origional cut, we recorded drums while chris played along with the guitar track. this was a pain the the butt! but it worked out in the end. enjoy:)
When you wake up, I’ll be waiting, to see your beautiful blood-shot eyes. Hello honey, I made you breakfast, I hope you don’t mind your toast a little burnt.
Lets run away for the weekend, cancel all and tell our friends we’re gone.
When the bomb hits, your place will be the first I check for life, and if I don’t find it there, I don’t care if I find it anywhere.
We will be happy together, throughout all sorts of whether, as the world bursts into flames we’ll be the first ones laughing…
We’ll go on tour and call it a vacation, who needs a map, who needs a destination, we got the road, we got some stars to guide us, we’re not alone we got someone beside us… who NEVER DIES!
So our happy couple drove off that night, and their friends when asked would say, they haven’t seen em’ since that day, truth be told they arose the next morning and shared a donut on the hood of his car, what should great them? It wasn’t the sun, but instead they were bathed in the warmth of what would be a nuclear sunrise… and they never died.