Story Behind the Song
This song is not really about cats. I do think cats are sneaky but some of them are okay I guess. I’ve had a few cat enthusiasts actually get offended by this song. I never quite known why. I guess I’d have to be a cat lover to understand.
I don't like cats, I think they are sneaky
They remind me of a lot of girls I've known
I know most women think that all the sensitive guys like cats
I guess that must be why I'm so alone
And I don't like you, I think you are sneaky
You remind me of a lot of cats I've known
And you always make me feel so low, low, low
Like a piece of crap in the litter box of life
And you're so hot and cold, you remind me of this cat,
Who lived at my parent's house when I was nine
She would purr like a locomotive, until I'd reach for her
And then she'd try to claw out both my eyes
I wish you'd leave me alone, I've have nothing but bad luck
Ever since the day that you first crossed my path
I think you should be de-clawed, or maybe even spayed
So no more cats like you could ever be born
I once had a dog, she was the best dog in the world,
And she hated cats for the same reason as me
If I was that dog, and you were a cat
I would chase you up the world's tallest tree