Story Behind the Song
One night a new friend and I got together to play a little guitar and do some recording. A few hours into things he feverishly began to attempt to get me to admit that I was gay. At one point I almost considered telling him I was just to get him to quit asking. He eventually cut it out and the next day I wrote this song on a twenty-minute drive (yes, note pad on the steering wheel and all). People love to theorize about why I wrote this song. They accuse me of being homophobic, gay or disturbed (I’ll give them that one). I’ve also had a lot of people tell me that it had never occurred to them that I might be gay. Sometimes I think that all I did by writing this song was open up a big can of worms. Oh, well.
I'm not Gay. No I'm not Gay.
But a lot of people seem to think that I'm gay
I don't really know why but I think that it might
Be the way that I talk or maybe I look like I must be gay
But it doesn't really matter cause
I'm not Gay
I like girls. Yes, I like girls.
I think they are neat but they don't always like me the way I like them
So I spend a lot of time with a lot of different girls
Who I'm not really getting any loving from
Kind of like a lot of guys who are actually gay
But the difference with me is that
I'm not Gay
I don't care. No, I don't care
If you think that I'm gay, cause there's nothing at all
That is wrong with being gay and I've got a lot of friends
Who are really, really cool and really, really gay
But I still feel obliged to tell you I'm not gay
Cause you might be a girl who is really, really cute
And you think that you might want to sleep with me tonight
But you weren't gonna try cause you didn't realize that
I'm not gay
If you don't believe me, if you don't believe me
When I say I'm not gay, well here's what you can do
You can meet me tonight, bring your girlfriend or your wife
You can bring your sister, you can even bring your mom
And we'll have a little demonstration
And then you will be certain that
I'm not gay