Story Behind the Song
We had an argument as to who could or couldn't write, so we took three ideas (one each from Fisher, JP, and Jared) and mashed 'em together. The melody for the verses is shamelessly stolen from a Blind Melon song, but the words are all Jared's.
Hooked on the dream of fame, you'll wave
When you're the movie maker making his gold.
Leading the way to the lazy day,
You'll be the monkey-man, muscled and toned.
And if you ever look into the skin you're in,
And see a hollow-body, biding his time,
Don't come crying to me.
I'll just turn the other cheek.
You live in L.A. with a chef and a maid,
But you never needed nothing before.
You're hanging with stars, buying ballots and cars,
But you never see your wife anymore.
And if you ever look into the skin you're in,
And see a hollow-body, biding his time,
Don't come crying to me.
I'll just turn the other cheek.
It only hit me in the face one time,
And it taught me to think for myself.
There's nothing out there except
Money, hate, greed, lust.
That's all I can take from
This blind wisdom.
There's nothing for me . . . nothing.