been bruised and beaten, by the wants and needs of other, ou yeah.... people.......
and i can't remember, how it started, way....back then, with these other, oh no....animals....
and these are our dog-days, the days of the the latest craze
yes these are our dog-days, the days of the latest craze
watch out.....they're coming all at once, and it's too late to try and climb that fence...
they've gnawed their leashes and broken their chains, they're charging now, it's all too late, yes to escape, cause these are......
and these are our dog-days, the days of the the latest craze
yes these are our dog-days, the days of the latest craze
yes these are our dog-days, the days of the the latest craze
yes these are our dog-days, the days of the latest craze
ah yeah, oh no
ah yeah, oh no
ah yeah, oh no
ah yeah........yeah
the dog-days........oh yeah.....
the dog-days........oh yeah.......
ah yeah...........................eahhhhhhhh