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Erudite: The Lyrical

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    "Let's Just be real."genre: Christian Rap
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    This is a Remix of Just Being Honest. Lyrics are the same, the track is phatter and the levels are more ear friendly.
    Label: Pay Lepu Productions
    Credits: Producer: Lester Dishont Deane

    Story Behind the Song
    This song takes it's inspiration from 2 Corinthians 10.
    "3. For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does.
    4. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
    5. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."

    If you've heard this verse before, and you are at all like me, you wondered what exactly strongholds were. It turns out that understanding this one word is the key to understanding this verse and what I'm trying to do in the song.

    According to the Greek:

    1.a castle, stronghold, fortress, fastness
    2.anything on which one relies
    - of the arguments and reasonings by which a disputant endeavours to fortify his opinion and defend it against his opponent

    So it goes: "The weapons we fight with ... have divine power to demolish (the arguments and reasonings by which a disputant endeavours to fortify his opinion and defend it against his opponent)"

    So in this song I attempt to engage non believers in a direct fashion. To challenge the ideas that they hold which prevent them from accepting the plain truth of the gospel of Christ.

    I'm not here to tease emcees or to please yall ears.
    I don't battle emcees either I battle emcee's ideas.
    This aint evangelizing, teaching or preaching.
    I just want to defeat demons to provide for freedom.
    I'm not talking about clips and nines.
    I'm dismissing lies in minds that's keeping eyes blind.
    Look it's not my job to ensure you regain vision.
    But if you stay imprisoned it's because you aint listened.
    Don't nobody condemn you because you aint Christian.
    They just trying to put you on and you straight dismiss them.
    It's written, all ears hear but not all hearken.
    because their hearts is hardened, but they won't be pardoned.
    I know you seen or heard of hustlers murdered cause they aint heed,
    either cause of straight greed or because they aint see.
    Am I supposed to mourn like they died because of me?
    It's just the reality of spiritual casualties.

    Let's just be real!!!

    I know you think I'm trying to emulat and integrate instead of innovate,
    That's irrelevant, I'm trying to wake your inner state.
    Besides it don't matter who's the best at flows,
    we all rot in soil like vegetables.
    It's vanity, what did you create anyway?
    Words? Will you die any better than Hemingway?
    These beats these rymes these hooks disentegrate.
    That's like pride in a match stick built to incinerate.
    or like pride in a cell block built to incarcerate.
    Or pride in a corner that aint even real estate.
    It's vain trying to ease pain and fill a void
    that's eternal with what's doomed and soon destroyed.
    I'm not empressed you need to come better to convince me.
    Or just admit that your spiritual gypsies.
    Or spiritual whores and prostitutes.
    Look it aint personal it's just the truth

    Let's Just be real!!!

    So of course your going to try to say that I'm a fanatic.
    Cause I come at it with a style that's charismatic.
    and if that's true then you and you and you...
    and all of you are a bunch of fanatics too.
    I hear gun play fanatics and cash fanatics one night stand and crack fanatics
    political prisoner black fanatics,
    and all that is before I get the CD or crack it.
    You want to measure me well measure you too
    and remember you don't like it if I were to measure you.
    I mean is you real or hypocritical?
    so why is it so hard to admit the things you do?
    Look, I don't care what you've faced in your life,
    facing your life's the biggest disgrace in your life
    but if satan can blind you to act like you like life,
    then you can deny Christ so that you can die twice.

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