Razor Marks, Scars Remains, So I’ll never forget the pain, The Agony which I feel, In my mind so Fuckin’ Real
Misery’s my best friend, Sufferin’ until the End, I love to cut, Watch my blood spill, I do it all Just for the trill
I Terrify myself, I Horrify myself, I Victimize myself, I Brutalize myself,
I mutilate my own Flesh, Carve my heart out of my chest, Bash my head against the wall, My mind state irrational,
Spill my blood and drink mine, Like at church a drink of wine, I will live Eternally, In Hell I’ll be set Free
I Terrify myself, I Horrify myself, I Victimize myself, I Brutalize myself,
Terrorize, Paralyze, Circumsize, Open eyes, Bloody Cries, Severed Ties, Spoken Lies, ...Dead-Alive