I feel safe away from glare
the cars, the noise, and how all the people stare
well, it's probably just me though, dramatic again
too many scars here to let you in
today it's hard to smile and look a person in the eyes, misinterpret the meaning, frustrate the purity as it dies
well, I have to wonder when honesty will show it's face
trust us, we know what's best for you
the frequent humanitarian disgrace
maybe 1 day front doors can stay unlocked, without fear of invasion, or having to call the cops
no more friendly fire, no stray bullet drive byes
understanding the loss of life, even if it's not you that cries
I'm not perfect, yet this direction seems clear-detatch yourself from the world and it's the world you'll fear
stand behind that door as if you're not ever home
alienate yourself from outstretched hands until you feel all alone
and for once the steel builings move
radiating beautiful emotions as they choose
green trees sway with yet hope again
as the politicians and factories begin to feel sin
laughing, crying, or just angry as hell
feelings are expressed atleast and not so hard to tell
and watching this I feel the need to become 1, in a world normally so divided between everyone*
repeat last 2 lines